September 1-30, 2018
Theme: The Riches of the Renaissance
Perryn Peterson, Mayor of Mieville and Producer of the Historical Hunts, Ltd. and the Historical Hunts Ltd. Merchants invite you to enjoy Renaissance Hunt VIII
Perryn Peterson, Mayor of Mieville and Producer of the Historical Hunts, Ltd. and the Historical Hunts Ltd. Merchants invite you to enjoy Renaissance Hunt VIII
What was the Renaissance
The Renaissance is a period from the 14th to the 17th century, considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and Modern history. It started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period and later spread to the rest of Europe.
The invention of the Gutenberg printing press in 1450 is a milestone which marks the beginning of the Renaissance. Ideas were able to be spread quicker and farther because of the printing press. It allowed communication to occur through all of Europe.
The Renaissance was a time of great beauty and art. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created greats works of art during this time. Writers like William Shakespeare were producing their own masterpieces.
It was also a time of creativity, imagination and curiosity. The Renaissance was the age of exploration. The voyages of many great explorers like Columbus, Vespucci, Ponce de Leon, Polo, De Soto, Cortes and Balboa occurred during the Renaissance.
The word ‘renaissance’ is a French word which means ‘rebirth’. The people credited with beginning the Renaissance were trying to recreate the classical models
of Ancient Greek and Rome.
There were changes in thinking during Renaissance. New ideas in art, science, astronomy, religion, literature, mathematics, philosophy, and politics were developed and advanced.
The influence of the Renaissance impacted and shaped the future.
The influence of the Renaissance impacted and shaped the future.
The changes that happened led to a modern era.
And although the Renaissance is most well known for its artists, scientists, and philosophers, something that most people neglect to recall is that it is also the century of the so called “Spanish Conquistadors”. Hernan Cortes was one of these great conquistadors and is therefore greatly influential in the Reissuance. These conquistadors are responsible for much of the wealth and slaves used during the Renaissance.
To find 'your' wealth, seek these elusive Gargoyles
that hold the gifts representing those days of the Renaissance.
(NRY indicates Not Ready Yet)
001 - The Renaissance Faire VIII
Perryn Peterson
The Hunt begins at stop #001 The Renaissance Faire.
The Faire is filled with colorful booths and displays that will fill your eyes with wonder.
There is also a fun Ren Faire Gem Stones Mini-hunt held at the faire grounds.
The gifts are provided by participating Historical Group Merchants.
The details of this fun hunt are available at the landing along with your
first hint to begin the Grid Wide Renaissance Hunt.
You will also receive a Gargoyle Shoulder Pet at your 1st stop
Be sure to wear/add to help the gargoyles to rez faster at each stop.
The Faire is filled with colorful booths and displays that will fill your eyes with wonder.
There is also a fun Ren Faire Gem Stones Mini-hunt held at the faire grounds.
The gifts are provided by participating Historical Group Merchants.
The details of this fun hunt are available at the landing along with your
first hint to begin the Grid Wide Renaissance Hunt.
You will also receive a Gargoyle Shoulder Pet at your 1st stop
Be sure to wear/add to help the gargoyles to rez faster at each stop.
Created by Wyvern Dryke
You are encouraged to join the Historical Group, and can do so at the Renaissance Faire, which is your first stop. As a member you will receive updates regarding any changes with the hunt, and our intrepid hunters are always helpful in group chat,
being careful not to give any spoilers.
You'll also receive a notecard through notices with a listing of all the participating merchants and their landmarks. Landmarks to the next stop are also included in each gift gargoyle.
HINTS are provided at each shop in the Hint Gargoyle that can be found on or near the Renaissance Poster near each landing.
002 - ~Lantian/FLOX~
Wyvern Dryke
003 - Unrepentant
Jalynne Ohma
004 - Mountain Rose
SebastianTiogar (Sebby), Meadow Copperfield,
SophiaKennocha, Jez & Ceir Sinclair
The folks at Mountain Rose are offering a 17 Gargoyle mini-hunt for your pleasure, but they have taken a road less traveled when thinking of the grandiose of The Renaissance and have built the Aztec city of Tamoanchan where mystery begs to be discovered. Explorers & Conquistadors traveled to those cities seeking riches for the powerful of Europe. Those riches contributed to the wealth of Europe during the Renaissance.
There will be a quiz with an additional gift for the participants who pass. ::grins::
Follow the hints to discover the mystery and to escape the city.
Ball Court, Altar pieces, Emperor's bedroom furnishings, Tzanati Stick
Noble House Beds
Bark Art
Emperor's Feast Room Furnishings
Noble House furnishings (kitchen & dining), Magic Smoke Mirror, Animated Loom
Aztec bed, animated Spear, Chantico's Cactus Headdress
Emperor's Throne & Decorations
Council Chamber Furnishings
Noble House
Hummingbird Fighter
The Shops of Mountain Rose contain the original works of our creative family.
They offer a wide range of items for avatars of all ages!
005 - AdelleArts Manor Fashions
Ellie Honi
You'll find Fashions to fit every need
006 - Myrddin's Emporium
Myrddin Janus
007 - COVETED!
Tifridh Fallen
008 - [noctis]
Yelena Istmal
Dark Victorian decor and homeware
009 - Douglas Fairlady
Douglas Fairlady
Antiques and oddities from the Past.
010 - Anna's Attic
Rennie Vase
At Anna's Attic we offer furniture and decor for your SL Living. We build everything with a "prim conscious" mind. We take time to make sure quality and detail are in every build, and we make sure we keep our items reasonably priced. Our policy is straight forward: We build with pride and would not sell you anything we would not use ourselves.
If you have any questions, concerns or problems with our products feel free
to message us and we will make good on our products.
011 - Ara Couture
Araminta Kroitschov
012 - DragonLady's Closet
(& DragonLady Designs Gallery)
DragonLady Majestic
Clothing & Artwork
013 - Just Imagine
Vita Theas
014 - Rainy Fey Creations
Nyree Rain
015 - **DSO**
Starla Oconner
Clothing for men and women, custom tattoos and accessories.
Most of my clothing is mesh, though I can do system and prim clothing. I love doing custom tattoos that I never sell to anyone but the person who ordered it. If you see an outfit in my store that you'd like done in a different color please let me know and I'll be happy to do it!
016 - The Eclectic Fusion Emporium
Artful Hammerer
Renaissance Table Clock
Steampunk Clocks, Componets & Ephemera
017 - Tamiron Forge
Tamiron Landar
018 - Miss Darcy
Vivienne Darcy
019 StoraxTree
Kate McLaglen
020 - ***baci shop***
bacidalucia Oh
baci-Lucrezia Borgia frame
Female outfits, Vintage, 1920's, Lingerie
021 - Simply Shelby
Shelby Olivier
Whimsical designs for your home & garden mixed with a splash of fantasy! Simply Shelby features original mesh, seasonal, holiday, furniture, decorations, garden galore & gifts. Medieval, & Fantasy Role Play Items also available.
022 - Tiny Bit Radikal
AlexZev Resident
023 - Jinxed Toys & Magic!
Amadine Abonwood
Sol's Govern Staff & a Sol's Govern Mini-Staff
An eclectic collection of magical items, decorations, and so much more!
024 - ~XM Designs~
XMarieX Fairport
All proceeds are helping to assist a life saving Service Dog! Your help is greatly appreciated!
025 - StoryBook Cats Shop
Unalunaqat Resident (Una Lunaqat / Stangbo)
Selling KittyCats! pet cats, original art at Lifescapes Gallery, and gacha resale.
026 - McMinnars Oddiments
Anne McMinnar
027 - Lunar Seasonal Designs
Lunar Tripsa
A fun Collection of mostly scipted Home and Garden items, Holiday and Seasonal Decor,
Animals and Birds, Trees and Flowers and lots more!
028 - KittyCats Creations
KittyCat Ninetails
029 - Rozymyndi's
Rozamyndi Brimm
030 - Rose Your Life (RYL)
LadyRosabella Resident
Photoshop with pictures for direct buy or order.
Then selling realistic Mesh-cloth & furniture.
031 - Casa de Bebe
Bebe Begonia
Furnishings, including French & European period Antiques
18th Century Neoclassical Gustavian Swedish Victorian Vintage
032 - Alli&Ali Designs
Alice Klinger
Over 900 Hairstyles - We make your hairstyling dreams come true!
034 - Aster's Builts
Aster Orchicz
036 - Razmataz
Melonie Romano
Poses and Animations
037 - Timeless Textures
Xzavia Yifu
Shop Description: Timeless Textures - High Quality, Low Prices Over 4500 Full Permission Texture Sets in a wide array of genres.
End User License Agreement (EULA) applies to all purchases.
038 - Muffin's Treasures
CherryMuffin Resident
039 - Thistle Moon Designs
FlowerTower Resident (Carline Thistle Studley Moon)
Mostly clothing and accessories, with Gachas and other interesting things to buy as well.
040 - Panda Panda Store
Liam Metaluna
041 - An Lema
AelKennyr Rhiano
042 - DCKM
Enchanted Rose, inspired from B&B
Home Decor and Jewelry and custom commissions
043 - Dench Designs
Amanda Dench
Furniture & Garden Store
and ART-Animated Textures
Sanna Jupiter
SL's finest selection of more than 2000 full perm animated textures of all kind: Fire, Water, Cyber, Steampunk, Vintage, Psychedelic, Disco, Animals, Landscapes, Love, Halloween, Christmas and much more! Group- and Free Gifts, MM Boards and Lucky Chairs.
045 - Park Place Home Decor
DeAnn Dufaux
Park Place Home has a large assortment of elegant furniture that includes living room, bedroom, office/study, dining, and kitchen sets in a variety of genres.
There is also a nice selection of outdoor furniture for beach, deck, patio, or garden
as well as original artwork and decorative accessories.
046 - Dragonsworn
Annakari Genesis (Annakari Dragonsworn)
Tracks & adventure on the full sim. Filled with stores for everything
from clothing through full perm, cars, bikes, and more!
047 - Delightful Creations
Joell Jurgis
Renaissance Ladies
Low Price, Low Prim, Decorations for Home, Garden and Holiday
048 - Spyralle
Kerryth Tarantal
Spyralle presents colorful and original art to wear, to embellish the home,
enchant the garden and celebrate the seasons.
049 - Emma's @ Blue Moose
Emma Krokus
Home & Garden & Whimsical Stuff
050 - The Rug Shop
Sasheba Looming
Victorian Rennie Fireplace
Rugs & Décor
051 - Jacon Cortes Designs
052 - RVi Design
Roshy Aura
RVi Design by Roshy Aura offers variety of indoor and outdoor decor,
accessories, builds and landscape designs for Second Life.
053 - MTD Designs
Ouminakati Aboubakar (Oumi)
Mesh Designer: Clothes - Shoes - Accessories - Funny Avatars & Funny Tiny -
Decorations - Architecture - Textures and more...
054 - Timeless Decor
Serenek Timeless
Timeless Decor specializes in historical home decor and furnishings, particularly reproductions of antique items. Shops in four different historical regions of SL (Renaissance Island, baroque Rocca Sorrentina, regency era Antiquity Argyle, and Edwardian era Ile Sainte Marie-les-Bains) each feature items appropriate to the era of the region.
055 - Reina Photography
Beyonkah Resident (Beyonkah Willow Reina)

Reina Photography makes poses of all kinds and most even include
backgrounds or complete scenes!
056 - Bibliotheque de Coeur
Farzaneh Eel
057 - Captured Waters
alexazetta (ALEXA)
Etched Glass Swan table (mesh)
Go LEO w/on off rain @ THE RENNIE FAIR (Gemstones gift)
Home and garden décor; wall and floor model water features;
Photography and complete landscape scenes with animations;
and anything that strikes my fancy.
058 - Buccaneer's Restorations
Bitsy Buccaneer
059 - Les Arts de Saint-Bruno
Tiamat Windstorm
Sampler of Antiquity Renaissance Minihunt Gifts
Fine Art and Carpets of the Regency, Georgian, Baroque and Renaissance Periods
This stop also offers a mini-hunt to enjoy
060 - Cake Fox
Fun shop for everyone at Tinyopolis.
061 - Moonlitecat Creations
I have a variety of things in my store with a bit of a twisted bent and gothic outlook on design. Stuff that is slightly similar in shape but totally different in style then what is the normal of everyone else. Including matching sets for the men and women.
Eyes of varying fantastical forms! With Omega & Kemono appliers coming soon for the older designs. Kemono Fur Mods. Houses & Buildings that are extremely low on li count. Gachas, games, hunts and all sorts of fun!
If you have any special requests for a outfit or design let me know
and I will see what I can do for you!
062 - Nabrej Art & Design
Nabrej Aabye
Kit Builders & Creators Full Perms, Mesh & Sculpties Low Prim,
high standard quality items and builds. Nice prices, Discounts, Midnight Mania.
Also Art Gallery, Fashion Events & Poses (customized on demand).
Also Art Gallery, Fashion Events & Poses (customized on demand).
063 - DragonForge
Eren Padar
DragonForge is a blend of many things including avatars, space ships,
fantasy and medieval buildings, science fiction items and more.
DragonForge is owned and managed by a dwagon... so it's insane.
064 - Steaming Ahead
065 - USC Textures
Eagle Wilder
Renaissance Velvet textures
Quality Textures at an Affordable Price since 2007
Perryn Peterson
Be sure to vote for your five favorites.
You are encouraged to list those you feel deserves honorable mention as well.
As always, your comments are appreciated.
Visit here often as new submissions will be added as received.
A giant thank you to all the merchants participating and their wonderful gifts.
Your avid Renaissance traveler
Meadow Copperfield
Meadow Copperfield