New Hunter?

 Is this your first time participating in a Historical Hunt? Here are some tips and tricks to help you out!

Join the Group

    The people in the Historical Hunts, Ltd. group are friendly and there is always someone around who will be willing to help!

At the First Stop

    You've landed at the beginning of the hunt. You're also at the entrance to a large event space. Do not panic. Look for the hunt poster. The poster will have a hint item near it. This item is a copy of what you are looking for. There will also be a hint available. The first prize will be nearby. You do not need to go far find it. You are welcome to explore the event or come back at anytime. 

First Prize

    The first prize you get is special and will help you with the rest of the hunt. Once you find the hunt item, click it, find the folder in your inventory and wear the item inside. This should help the hunt item to rezz more quickly at all following stops. There will also be an LM inside the folder, this will be for the next stop!

The Rest of the Hunt

    You've followed the LM included in the prize folder from the first stop and find yourself in a new place altogether! The hunt is grid wide and will take you to many different sims and shops. Each stop will have a poster and a hint item like the first stop. If you do not see it right away, please wait a moment for things to rezz. You may also see tracks on the ground leading you in the right direction.

    Take your time and explore. You can always ask for help and advice in group chat.

Shop List Notecard

    Please join Historical Hunts, Ltd. for group notices which will have all of the updates on the shops and anything that may change during the hunt. Most importantly there will be a Shop List Notecard available in the group notices. This magical notecard will have all the most up to date official information needed for the hunt. There are also notes included for some of the shops if needed that may let you know of extra prizes or events at the stop. This notecard should be your first stop if you have any questions about a stop, group chat is the second stop. 

Have fun!

    Explore, have fun and maybe even learn something along the way! Welcome the world of Historical Hunts!


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