What am I looking for?
For the Steam Hunt you are looking for a gear.
For the Silk Road Hunt you are looking for a pagoda or pyramid.
For the Renaissance Hunt you are looking for a gargoyle.
The color of the objects will change from hunt to hunt. There will be a hint item near the poster for the hunt that will be the same as the item you are looking for.
Does the hunt take place at the event?
Not completely no. The first and last stop are at the event and a shop or two may choose to use their event shop for the hunt, but the vast majority of the hunt is scattered all around the grid.
Wait... what's this about an event?
Each hunt has a corresponding event that takes place at the same time:
The STEAM Expo for the STEAM Hunt
Asian Market for the Silk Road Hunt
The Renaissance Faire for the Renaissance Hunt
These events host more activities, performances and shopping in line with the theme of the hunt. The main landing point is the same as the first stop in the hunt, so be sure to take a look around! More information as well as performance information can be found in group notices.
Group? There's a group?
Yes! " Historical Hunts, Ltd. "! Please join the group! You can stay up to date on all the latest Historical Hunt news and events, as well as chat with others about them. You can also get help from fellow hunters!
Where do I report problems?
If you run into any issues with the hunt, please do not contact individual shop owners. Please contact Wyvern Dryke or Perryn Peterson. They will make sure issues are addressed. You can also contact them for any problems you have at the event or in group chat.